Monday, March 10, 2014

Red Light Prayer

I have a big boy job now.

What that really means, is that I commute to work, have a desk and computer, work eight hours, and have a lunch break. It's nice - something I'm not used to, but I'm figuring out how offices and commuting work.

Our small group has been focusing on being more intentional with our time, money, and energy - essentially, if we acted like we were missionaries in our home towns. One morning, a couple weeks ago, I was driving to work, and got caught at the same red light I always get caught at. Jacksonville residents might know that 9A near Philips Highway just added 9B to cut off some of the traffic build up. 9B and Philips Highway, I always get stopped at the light.

That morning, I was in traffic, and looked in my rear view mirror. The middle-aged man in the BMW was yelling at someone on the phone. I mean, really screaming. I chuckled a little bit, thinking that this was the picture of unhappy corporate America. Then that small voice in the back of my head said, "Pray for him."
Of course! Being more intentional with my time means praying for people I see who are struggling. Feeling like an idiot, I spent the next five minutes praying for this guy behind me. Turns out, we work in the same building, and parked three spots away from each other, so there might more to that story later.

This started something I call "Red Light Prayer" every morning. As soon as I pull up to this intersection, I start praying for the person behind me, even if they haven't arrived yet. It's been something that has helped me be compassionate to complete strangers, and use my time productively in the car. Red lights don't bother me as much, because as I continue to be faithful in prayer, I know God is going to put people who need prayer behind me.

This morning, I pulled up to the stop light at 9B and Philips Highway, and waited for the person behind me to show up. They didn't. The light turned green, and I drove through. Clearly, malicious forces were giving me this green light to prevent me from praying for someone.

I prayed for the person in front of me instead. Take that Satan. That's what you get for giving me a green light. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this one. What a great it gave me a chuckle
