Saturday, March 23, 2013

A playlist of places

Yet another 2 a.m. homework session found me last week at my desk, curled up in my swivel chair. Strong coffee and a plate of Eggo waffles sat beside my computer like encouragement to tackle the grammar and Associated Press handbooks I eyed with resentment. I started putting together an iTunes playlist of study music as a stalling tactic.
After about 10 minutes, my gaze wandered up from my screen to rest on the black and white Eiffel Tower photo hanging on my wall, and next to it, the front page of a London newspaper I bought months before on a study abroad trip. Right then, I really wished I could go back. I wanted to be sitting at the dinner table with my host family, riding trains and climbing ancient bell tower steps and gaping at stained glass and cathedral arches instead of slogging through questions of misplaced modifiers and the proper usage of semicolons.
I came back to the playlist and realized every song – all of my favorites – all were about places. Each was about going somewhere, whether physically or emotionally. I realized it’s human nature to want to feel like we’re going somewhere, to feel like we’re making progress, to not feel like we’re stuck in the unmeaningful.
Since then, I’ve been thinking a lot about that Old Testament saga where God leads the Israelites through the dessert. They got their cues on when to move from a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night – the visible evidence of the presence of God with them. When the cloud lifted and moved, they packed up camp and moved to follow it. When it rested, they rested. I realized God’s leadership was irregular. The intervals of moving were unpredictable, but His leadership was always visible. All they had to do was keep looking to the cloud to find direction and contentment on the journey.
And I realized that’s what I wanted: Not to go back to the summer. Not even to travel. Just to find the adventure and joy in the place God has me now. I just had to stay in step with God’s spirit leading me forward – that cloud, of sorts. And right now, it seemed to resting over college, which meant doing that grammar homework. So I hit “play” and picked up my pen.
If you click through the links below, enjoy the music, reflect on your journey, and remember to keep an eye on the cloud. Rest when it rests; move when it moves.  

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