Thursday, January 31, 2013


Thank you for taking the time to look into this.  Initially, I want to give more details about what this will look like.  It doesn't begin until March 1st, so we have plenty of time to work out any kinks with the form.

Because different people work at different paces, I want to make sure that no one gets overwhelmed or tries to bite off more than they can chew.  So it will be broken down by commitment - from the seasoned writer looking for a challenge, to someone who just wants a forum and some accountability.

If you are writing prose - whether fiction, analysis, insightful thoughts or satire, the goal is going to be 250 words per post.  This equals about a page of writing.  Of course, you should feel free to go far beyond that if you wish, but I think a page is manageable.

If you are writing poetry - try to make it more than a few lines.  4-6 at least would be a good aim.  Again, feel free to write as much as your heart could wish.

Frequency - Try to find a track that you think will fit best with your busy life, but if at all possible, stick to it.  If you need to reevaluate your commitment, feel free to do so.  But the point is that you would feel some kind of obligation to write, even at those times when you don't necessarily feel inspiration keeping you awake.

Beginner - 1 post a week.  This will obviously only be 4 posts for the month of march, but it's a good place to start if you're unsure about how busy you will be.

Intermediate - 2 posts a week.  Okay, now we're stepping it up a bit.

Advanced - 1 post every other day.  Try to allow the day off so you can think about what you might write the next day.

Seasoned Writer - 1 post every day, all month.  31 posts in total, each one is original content produced that day.  Be warned, this won't be easy.

Insanity - 31+ posts for the month of March.  For the truly brave among us.  To win the high distinction of this award, do not skip any days.

I will be posting some pages with writing tips for anyone that might benefit from them.

Good luck :)


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